meet my new tree!

A shot of my newest desktop peripheral on the far left: no it’s not my awesome laptop, it’s my new indoor air purifier!!! aka. my new tree!!! No USB connection needed, no external power needed, needs nothing but good ol’ water. And in celebration of my new addition, you get a picture of my workspace!


Help me stop the [AutoCAD] online help!

Did you know that the 2011 product lines have introduced online help? What that means that AutoCAD 2011 will try to go online to find solutions for you from the Autodesk website, much like what Microsoft did with Office. But you can disable this! (I mean, you wouldn’t your users to actually go online for help would you?! GASP!).

If you want to switch (toggle) the help function back to the local files in the folder C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2011\Help, change the setting in the AutoCAD Options.

In the Options dialog (OPTIONS, A > Options), on the System tab, uncheck the option “Use online help from Autodesk website when available” in the Help pane. The current setting of this option is stored in the undocumented variable WBHELPONLINE.

Of course, you can actually disable this during installation (or deployment image creation) by making sure the “Use Online Help from Autodesk web-site when available” checkbox is NOT selected.
